Friends of East Preston Infant School (FEPIS)
Do you ever feel there aren’t enough hours in the day, you’re turning into a kids’ taxi service and your “to do” list never gets any shorter?
Well, you’re not alone, but we refuse to let all that get in the way of some fun and fund-raising!
We stage a variety of great events, for example the Christmas and Summer Fayres (with the Junior school’s PTA), film afternoons, ice cream sales, Phil the Bag collections and school discos among other things.
We ask the staff to create a “wish list” of what the school needs and the money we have raised has been used to buy equipment or fund projects they might otherwise not be able to afford, such as the Solardome with acoustic clouds and seating area inside, a quiet area in the playground (The Nest), dressing up boxes, iPads, resources for the outdoor classrooms, wet weather clothing for Year R children, a laminator and most recently the dipping ponds.
We hold regular sales of recycled school uniform to help both household budgets and the environment.
Plus, we present Year 2 pupils with a special gift at their leavers’ assembly before they go up to Junior school.
Once a term we produce a newsletter detailing our activities, which is distributed via email and can also be seen on the school web page under 'Newsletters'. We also have a Facebook page that we keep updated with events and happenings. Please ‘Like it and Share it!’ @friendsofeastprestoninfantschool. We also have a closed group for volunteers FEPIS Organising Team – please do ask to join!
We welcome any support and believe many hands make light work. Do let us know about your fundraising ideas or if you have any skills or connections that would be a helpful addition to our fundraising efforts.
If you have any questions or just want to say hello, please drop us a line via the school email address fepis@epinf.co.uk or look out for us at school drop-off time.