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East Preston Infant School

East Preston Infant School


To view or download copies of our school policies, please click on the links below.  Hard copies of Policies are available free of charge from the school office upon request.

  1. Accessibility Policy & Plan - May 2021
  2. Angmering Locality Group Parent/Carer/Visitor Code of Conduct
  3. Anti-Bullying Policy - September 2023
  4. Asthma in School Policy - January 2023
  5. Attendance Policy - September 2023
  6. Charging Remissions Policy for School Activities - October 2019
  7. Children Looked After Policy - January 2022
  8. Data Protection Policy October 2023
  9. EPIS Calculation Policy 2018
  10. EPIS Complaints Procedure - October 2023
  11. EPIS playground map 1 Sep 2020
  12. EPIS site map 1 Sep 2020
  13. Equality Policy January 2024
  14. Extra-Curricular Activities Policy - January 2024
  15. Fairtrade Policy April 2021
  16. Fire Safety Policy - October 2023
  17. First Aid Intimate Care and Medicines in School Policy - September 2023
  18. Freedom of Information Policy - October 2023
  19. Green Procurement Policy - January 2024
  20. Health and Safety Policy - October 2023
  21. Home - School - Child Agreement 2019 - HOME COPY
  22. Home - School - Child Agreement 2019 - SCHOOL COPY
  23. Home Learning Policy - January 2024
  24. Inclusion Policy - October 2023
  25. Policy for Managing Serial & Unreasonable Complaints - October 2023
  26. Policy for the Transfer of Pupil Folders Between Schools May 2021
  27. PSHE Policy - May 2024
  28. Published Covid-19 Model WSCC Policy Annex Jan 2021
  29. RE Policy - Jan 2020
  30. Relationships Sex & Health Education - Policy September 2020
  31. Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy - September 2023
  32. Safer Recruitment Policy September 2022
  33. School Food Policy - November 2021
  34. Special Educational Needs Policy - January 2024
  35. Teaching and Learning Policy - January 2024
  36. Therapeutic Behaviour Policy- September 2023
  37. Travel Policy March 2017