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East Preston Infant School

East Preston Infant School



At East Preston Infant School, we believe that Maths is an important part of a child's development and transition into adulthood. We aim for children to become confident, numerate young people who can apply mathematical skills in a range of contexts.


Our pupils develop their early maths skills through a daily focus on number fluency taught using Mastering Number (Rekenrek), alongside lessons focusing on the wider aspects of the maths curriculum, such as geometry, measurement, fractions and statistics. Children move through the concrete > pictorial> abstract approach using a range of practical and multisensory resources so that lessons are creative and absorbing. Half-term units build upon prior learning and enable consolidation and deepening of key concepts so that children can apply their learning in a range of contexts.

Intended Impact

Through Maths, our children will:

  • perceive maths as exciting, engaging and valuable, so that they become fluent and accurate with number facts and relationships, reason mathematically about their work
  • become confident mathematicians who have the ability to solve problems 
  • make connections and apply mathematical knowledge both across maths lessons and the wider curriculum 

Maths Progression Overview
Maths Milestones
Maths Learning Journey
Calculation Policy