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East Preston Infant School

East Preston Infant School

School News

Welcome to our Schools News page which will keep you an idea of some of the interesting things happening in and around the school.

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  • 11/02/22

    Valentine's Disco Thursday 17th February

    Tickets are available to purchase online via the ParentMail app.
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  • 07/01/22

    Innovate School Meals Ordering Deadline

    Orders for the following week must be placed by midnight of the previous Saturday. For example, to order for the week commencing 17/01/2022 orders must be placed by midnight on Saturday 15/01/2022. You can order one week at a time or for the whole term, just keep scrolling down the Hot Counter...
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  • 17/12/21

    Term Restarts on Wednesday 5th January

    Tuesday 4th January 2022 is an INSET day. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year from all at EPIS.
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  • 26/11/21

    Calendar of FEPIS Christmas Events

    November 26th Christmas Jumper Sale November 29th Santa Sweepstake £1 per square. £50 prize per year group! December 3rd   Rainbow Hamper Donation Day December 6th   Rainbow Hamper Raffle Tickets on sale via ParentMail December 10th Christmas Jumper Day...
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  • 19/11/21

    Deadline for ordering Fundraising Christmas Cards - Wednesday 24th November

    For those who submitted Christmas artwork and have received the sample, the deadline for ordering any items is Wednesday 24th November at 6pm.
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  • 11/11/21

    Children In Need - Spotty Dress Up Day Friday 19th November

    This will be a non school uniform day and children are invited to dress up for a donation.
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  • 22/10/21

    Autumn Half Term

    School re-opens Monday 1st November
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  • 08/10/21

    Autumn School Grounds Morning Friday 22nd October

    We are asking for volunteers to spend some time on Friday 22nd October between 9 am - midday to help with a variety of seasonal tasks.   This is a non-uniform day - please can all children come to school in clothes suitable for gardening.
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  • 10/09/21

    New Online School Meal Ordering System

    Please see attached a welcome message from Innovate who will providing the school meals plus information on how to order your child's free school meal online and their Medical Diets Policy.
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  • 23/07/21

    School Re-opens Monday 6th September

    Goodbye and good luck to all our Y2 leavers. New Y1 and Y2 start back at school on Monday 6th September. We hope you all enjoy the summer - stay safe but have fun!
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  • 25/06/21

    Return of Library and Reading Books

    As we approach the end of term we will begin to collect in any Library or Reading books that you may have at home. Please have a good look at home so that all books can be returned to school and we can complete our audit during the summer break. Thank you.
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  • 11/06/21

    INSET Day Monday 21st June

    School closed to all pupils.
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